Do you want to Learn How to Flow in your Spiritual Gifts?
It’s Really Easy, even if you just got Saved! As a matter of fact, this class should be required for every new Believer because it teaches you that the Supernatural is Who you are and that it should be common place for every Believer to step into the Supernatural.
Don’t let fear stop you or a lack of Biblical understanding keep you away. If you truly want to Learn How to Hear God’s Voice and Change your World by Stepping into your Spiritual Destiny, this class is a must for You!
Everyone is born with gifts and Talents. You don’t need to be a seasoned Christian to Learn How to Flow in your Gifts. Having the right Instructors and environment will help you identify your gifs
- Gain a foundation of why you should prophesy
- learn how you best hear from God
- Your faith will be increased
- Boldness to deliver a word from God
- Practice sessions
Dynamic School Of Ministry
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Class Details: Ministering Spiritual Gifts, Level 1
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Ministering Spiritual Gifts – level 1
Ministering Spiritual Gifts level 1 explains how spiritual gifts were lost to the Church and how the revelation of the written Word has established these gifts once again.
In this course, a strong emphasis is placed on training leaders to activate the saints in the gifts of the Holy Spirit with which they have been endowed ( I Cor. 12 & 14 ).
Teaching is also provided on the gifts with an emphasis on revelation gifts. A combination of lecture and experiential learning is employed, teaching, guiding, and instructing the students. By the end of this course, students should gain an understanding of why and how God speaks to them. A Manual is included with the course.
I knew when I first came on the Dynamic Prayer Network a couple of years ago, I didn’t necessarily know my gifts, but it has helped me tap into them. I realized then that I was a seer; I did have visions and dreams. I would say that the structure and teaching of this class has helped me acknowledge that I have visions, but I didn’t really understand them. Now I am beginning to understand the visions and receive impressions of confirmation from the Lord. I have since realized that I possess more gifts too. I hear from Him in more ways than just pictures and images, and it’s reassuring when those people who are working towards the same goal are getting that confirmation as well. One of my favorite activities that we’ve done in the class is when we all had to give a word or give what God has placed on our hearts and then work out how they all fall into alignment with each other. It’s neat to see how everything is confirmed and works together. All of this has taught me to just let go and let God. If someone’s going to receive the word, then they’re going to receive it. If they don’t, it’s not for me to worry about.