
glass of water, martiele

Fasting Ministry

Biblical Fasting is refraining from food for a spiritual purpose. According to the Bible, there are three duties of every Christian: give, pray and fast. Biblical fasting takes a lot of discipline and strength—strength which you can only receive from God.

teamwok ,prayer, martiele

Prayer Meetings

Are you are wondering why things are not working out anymore … like they use too. You are praying, but it just did not seem to be making a BIG enough difference. Maybe incorporating a Prayer Team into your busy life, that has flexibility... is what you need. Try it, the prayer of agreement and prayer of Faith is powerful when they are in unity. Come join us for a session, This just might be what you are looking for!


Monday Miracles

Join us for an evening in the supernatural at our Healing School. This is a place for anyone desiring healing and a deeper revelation of what God’s Word says about wholeness. Jesus is our healer but we still need to be good stewards of our temple.

leadership, martiele, swanko

Leadership Network

Dynamic Leadership Training Network (DLTN) was started to fill a void in the ministry training gap. Many Christians have had struggles in fulfilling their ministry due to lack of biblical training in their giftings.

church of people

Dynamic Encounters Church

Are you one of those people that are too busy for God in your Schedule? We understand, thats why Dynamic Encounters Church was birthed. You can now attend church online from the comfort of your Home, Car or anywhere! Call in or Log in, RSVP Here!! Every Friday at 9PM EST

shcool, dynmic prayer

Dynamic School of Ministry

Do you feel God’s calling on your life, and need direction on how or where to get started? Are you called to minister at your local church, the marketplace, the nations or your family? Good news! We can prepare you to answer that call.

USA PRAYER, Background

USA Prayer Network

Do you feel called to pray for USA? Join us every Monday Night at 8:30PM EST to pray for our government and Leaders, RSVP for Meeting here: RSVP



April 14, 2019

I have been seeking God for a while now. One night about a month ago I googled prayer lines and I was led to DPN. It has been a blessing. Ever since I have been calling in I have gained an indescribable amount of joy, strength and peace. My family and I have been going through so much it would take a book for me to write. It has been trials after after trials. The DPN team and Prayer Warriors welcomed me with opened arms. I submitted a prayer request for my compassionate reassignment request to be approved by the US Army so I could move closer to my mother in Miami, Florida for her help and support. My husband has cancer and I am his sole caretaker. I have three children 17,13, and 5. I am also a Soldier. I had been struggling emotionally, financially, and spiritually. Needless to say I found a place I could go that gave me inspiration and guidance to answer Gods calling on my life. I had a breakthrough for my prayer request on 13th October, 2016. God granted my family and I favor for my compassionate reassignment to be approved by the US Army. Praise the Lord. I want to thank the Heavenly Father for his grace that he has bestowed on me and my family. The Prayer Warriors prayed for my request every night when I was conferenced in and I am positive they were praying for my family on their own. God is faithful. Thank you DPN team and the prayer Warriors for extending prayers on my family’s behalf. This ministry is truly a blessing. Thank you Lord for guiding me to your righteous ones. This morning 14th October 2016, I opened my journal and when I looked at the top of the page it was Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” All I could say was thank you Lord. Oh I am so filled with joy, love, peace and devine faith. Praise the Lord, hallelujah! May the Lord continue to bless the DPN team and all the Warriors. Thank you

Avatar for Petergay Morse
Petergay Morse
April 14, 2019

I want to testify about the power of intercessory prayer. I adopted a dog 1 year ago with multiple medical conditions and one disability such being blind. Besides being an old, my dog Angel was diagnosed with degenerative lumbosacral stenosis and intervertebral disk disease; I have been praying for his overall health since moment of adoption but due to the bad advice of a doctor in administering him with corticoids for the calcification of his trachea, his spinal disrder rapidly advanced in a period of 3 months. During time of intercession with DPN on a Monday prayerline, our Apostle and Prophet Martiele Swanko, prayed for my dog regarding his spin. That week I took him to the doctor for a check up and he took new X-rays of his spine. He was amazed at how bad his spin and disks looked on the screen and how he was walking and jumping, going upstairs and downstairs three times a day to go out to the park. Moreover, how he was keeping a good mood as if he were healed. I thought the miracle was going to work on the alignment of his disks and nerves in his spine but God works in mysterious ways and the miracle He performed in my dog is that in spite of his spinal condition he behaves like he is doing well with enough physical strength and joyful mood to live a normal dog´s life. I thank God for His mercy!!

Avatar for consuelo onofre
consuelo onofre
April 14, 2019

I wanted to share how God provided financially. I have been praying for provision and all of a sudden i got a notice in the mail from my car payment saying that because i have been a good customer they were going to skip a payment for this month or next month and they will postpone the payment to the end of my terms. Having said that, the amount for this payment is what i needed exactly to cover my new rent. Praise God. Also, i have been getting different random amounts for extra expenses. Thank you for your prayers and God for being so faithful.

Avatar for Geraldine Edrei
Geraldine Edrei

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