
glass of water, martiele

Fasting Ministry

Biblical Fasting is refraining from food for a spiritual purpose. According to the Bible, there are three duties of every Christian: give, pray and fast. Biblical fasting takes a lot of discipline and strength—strength which you can only receive from God.

teamwok ,prayer, martiele

Prayer Meetings

Are you are wondering why things are not working out anymore … like they use too. You are praying, but it just did not seem to be making a BIG enough difference. Maybe incorporating a Prayer Team into your busy life, that has flexibility... is what you need. Try it, the prayer of agreement and prayer of Faith is powerful when they are in unity. Come join us for a session, This just might be what you are looking for!


Monday Miracles

Join us for an evening in the supernatural at our Healing School. This is a place for anyone desiring healing and a deeper revelation of what God’s Word says about wholeness. Jesus is our healer but we still need to be good stewards of our temple.

leadership, martiele, swanko

Leadership Network

Dynamic Leadership Training Network (DLTN) was started to fill a void in the ministry training gap. Many Christians have had struggles in fulfilling their ministry due to lack of biblical training in their giftings.

church of people

Dynamic Encounters Church

Are you one of those people that are too busy for God in your Schedule? We understand, thats why Dynamic Encounters Church was birthed. You can now attend church online from the comfort of your Home, Car or anywhere! Call in or Log in, RSVP Here!! Every Friday at 9PM EST

shcool, dynmic prayer

Dynamic School of Ministry

Do you feel God’s calling on your life, and need direction on how or where to get started? Are you called to minister at your local church, the marketplace, the nations or your family? Good news! We can prepare you to answer that call.

USA PRAYER, Background

USA Prayer Network

Do you feel called to pray for USA? Join us every Monday Night at 8:30PM EST to pray for our government and Leaders, RSVP for Meeting here: RSVP



April 14, 2019

I had a dream last year , one morning, Friday 1/15/16. I was in a train station looking for the B Train. Through a series of obstacle courses, it concluded and I never found the train. However, I realized at the end, it required me to go to a deeper level in the subway. January 11-25 of This Year during our Daniel Fast, I woke to A voice saying, “Be Holy for I am Holy” “HMMM!” i said to myself and I went about my day. While I was recapping my journal during a quiet moment entry, then the Holy Spirit highlighted the B train dream from my journaling from last year. The answer and understanding to My dream from last year came during the Daniel fast. I was looking for this B train. In my dream which I couldn’t find. I had to go to the deeper level to find this train it was not at the surface. This symbolized my identity and walking in His authority with a closer relationship. I had to go deeper in him by drawing closer to him which occurred during my fast. I am to beee because he is I AM ! I was later sent on a scripture quest : Beee holy… beee transformed… beeee watchful… beee still…a series of scriptures that spoke into how my walk should be. The time of fasting deepened my sensitivity to hearing God’s voice more and I was able to get the understanding of my dream.How awesome is our God!

Avatar for Desiree Wood
Desiree Wood
April 14, 2019

During the January 2016 Daniel Fast, I had major breakthrough in the area of being “plugged into” my current assignment in the Body of Christ. One always needs to be where God is calling each of us to be, but finding it and getting to it is commonly a challenge. But during the fast, God gave me a divine connection, that brought rapid acceleration, so that within 3 days, I was teaching the Word at a church, and being made a Church Pastor at the Lord’s precise prophetic direction. The Senior Pastor even appointed a large chair to be “my chair” in the church. I had been in churches for years, where such words had been given, but never with such an installation. I believe the combination of prayer, prophetic words/decrees from intercessors and the 2 week Daniel Fast combined, brought about this massive victory. TYJ and DPN!

Avatar for Joshua Jaiyesimi
Joshua Jaiyesimi
April 14, 2019

During the Daniel fast, I was seeking God for my pending court case. It was heavy on my spirit. During the the court hearing,an angel came in the court room and the Lord started downloading to me what to ask the Judge for. He gave me the exact amount to ask for my daughter, her college and my support. The Final Judgement amount awarded was exactly the same amount as God said. As we were negotiating, I heard a still small voice say the words,”lawyer’s fee”. It prompted me to tell my lawyer and the Judge. I brought it up to the court’s attention. The Judge ruled, He had to pay for my lawyers time in court that day. Praise God, because His Attorney’s fee were high per hour. This reduced my bill for legal fees.

Avatar for Hamilton, New Jersey
Hamilton, New Jersey

Join us

Register for Nightly Meetings here. We offer nightly prayer meetings, classes and services. Fill out the RSVP form and the webinar/callin information will be sent to you via email. Get connected today via cell phone or web, it will change your life!

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