
glass of water, martiele

Fasting Ministry

Biblical Fasting is refraining from food for a spiritual purpose. According to the Bible, there are three duties of every Christian: give, pray and fast. Biblical fasting takes a lot of discipline and strength—strength which you can only receive from God.

teamwok ,prayer, martiele

Prayer Meetings

Are you are wondering why things are not working out anymore … like they use too. You are praying, but it just did not seem to be making a BIG enough difference. Maybe incorporating a Prayer Team into your busy life, that has flexibility... is what you need. Try it, the prayer of agreement and prayer of Faith is powerful when they are in unity. Come join us for a session, This just might be what you are looking for!


Monday Miracles

Join us for an evening in the supernatural at our Healing School. This is a place for anyone desiring healing and a deeper revelation of what God’s Word says about wholeness. Jesus is our healer but we still need to be good stewards of our temple.

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Leadership Network

Dynamic Leadership Training Network (DLTN) was started to fill a void in the ministry training gap. Many Christians have had struggles in fulfilling their ministry due to lack of biblical training in their giftings.

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Dynamic Encounters Church

Are you one of those people that are too busy for God in your Schedule? We understand, thats why Dynamic Encounters Church was birthed. You can now attend church online from the comfort of your Home, Car or anywhere! Call in or Log in, RSVP Here!! Every Friday at 9PM EST

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Dynamic School of Ministry

Do you feel God’s calling on your life, and need direction on how or where to get started? Are you called to minister at your local church, the marketplace, the nations or your family? Good news! We can prepare you to answer that call.

USA PRAYER, Background

USA Prayer Network

Do you feel called to pray for USA? Join us every Monday Night at 8:30PM EST to pray for our government and Leaders, RSVP for Meeting here: RSVP



April 14, 2019

The Ministering Spiritual Gifts class has changed me spiritually. It has helped me fine tune my ability to hear the Lord’s voice and acknowledge His truth in my life. For instance, in the beginning of the year, I returned to the workforce, and I had this overwhelming feeling about something at work; I was being prompted to prepare for an event, so I prayed and praised the Lord. He was preparing me to deal with losing a coworker and friend at work, and because I understood now how the Holy Spirit works, I was able to handle it in a peaceful way when it happened. I’m a manager in a business and I supervise many people, losing a friend and coworker put me in a difficult place. The Lord was merciful in His prophesy of it. I still have so much to learn, but I now see visions and sense things and am able to speak out over them.

Avatar for Angela Wolfgang
Angela Wolfgang
April 14, 2019

I have always been aware of my gifts, and I am bold with them. I hear the voice of the Lord and act on what he has told me. The Ministering Spiritual Gift classes have served as a confirmation of this to me and a reminder in my life.

Avatar for Sonya Dent
Sonya Dent
April 14, 2019

The Ministering Spiritual Gifts Classes have taught me to know who I am in the Lord. I praise the Lord for giving me certainty and revealing that I’ve been blessed with strength. I’ve been tested recently, but the anointing of the Lord came through; I have learned that the things I used to fear should not prevent me from moving forward. I couldn’t do that before because I would be afraid of what people would say. The Ministering Spiritual Gifts has helped me to step out and be unafraid. It has been an encouragement to me. My encounters with people have gone from the natural to the supernatural; the Holy Spirit gives me a message to give, and instead of being afraid, the word just comes out strong. This class is an excellent tool for anyone who wants to grow spiritually and learn about their gifts and anointings.

Avatar for Gloria Anderson
Gloria Anderson

Join us

Register for Nightly Meetings here. We offer nightly prayer meetings, classes and services. Fill out the RSVP form and the webinar/callin information will be sent to you via email. Get connected today via cell phone or web, it will change your life!

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