
glass of water, martiele

Fasting Ministry

Biblical Fasting is refraining from food for a spiritual purpose. According to the Bible, there are three duties of every Christian: give, pray and fast. Biblical fasting takes a lot of discipline and strength—strength which you can only receive from God.

teamwok ,prayer, martiele

Prayer Meetings

Are you are wondering why things are not working out anymore … like they use too. You are praying, but it just did not seem to be making a BIG enough difference. Maybe incorporating a Prayer Team into your busy life, that has flexibility... is what you need. Try it, the prayer of agreement and prayer of Faith is powerful when they are in unity. Come join us for a session, This just might be what you are looking for!


Monday Miracles

Join us for an evening in the supernatural at our Healing School. This is a place for anyone desiring healing and a deeper revelation of what God’s Word says about wholeness. Jesus is our healer but we still need to be good stewards of our temple.

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Leadership Network

Dynamic Leadership Training Network (DLTN) was started to fill a void in the ministry training gap. Many Christians have had struggles in fulfilling their ministry due to lack of biblical training in their giftings.

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Dynamic Encounters Church

Are you one of those people that are too busy for God in your Schedule? We understand, thats why Dynamic Encounters Church was birthed. You can now attend church online from the comfort of your Home, Car or anywhere! Call in or Log in, RSVP Here!! Every Friday at 9PM EST

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Dynamic School of Ministry

Do you feel God’s calling on your life, and need direction on how or where to get started? Are you called to minister at your local church, the marketplace, the nations or your family? Good news! We can prepare you to answer that call.

USA PRAYER, Background

USA Prayer Network

Do you feel called to pray for USA? Join us every Monday Night at 8:30PM EST to pray for our government and Leaders, RSVP for Meeting here: RSVP



April 14, 2019

First and foremost, prophets do not only exist in the Old or New Testament, or what we call the First Era Christian Church. They’re not a thing of the past. They’re alive, active, and moving, and they’re speaking words from God and hearing from Him, receiving visions, dreams, and prophetic words from the Holy Spirit. I used to be skeptical of these things, but this class has given me a new understanding of the multifaceted wisdom of God and how brilliant He is. With the information that I’ve been given through the class, I’ve been instilled with a new, peaceful confidence because I’m in an incredibly trying time in my life. I’ve had to step into a new job and take over a new project. It’s a very demanding and challenging position, and knowing that the Lord moves through us prophetically and through the Holy Spirit that we carry with us is incredibly empowering and comforting. I know without a doubt that everything is going to work out, and I hear him telling me not to worry, that He’s cultivating and teaching me in this time. He’s directing me to another level, and even though I’m unsure of the destination, He has known all along. It’s just incredible. My biggest takeaway from the class has been the confidence in the Lord and the revelation that, as long as I keep my faith and my trust in him, He’s going to work everything out according to His will to provide for me. Although I’m in an uncomfortable place, I have the confidence and peace that everything is going to be alright. I recently got to see the Lord do this in my life when the Lord put a young man in my path, and I discerned that he was suicidal. The Lord wanted to show him His love through me; His word to that young man was that he was very important and valuable. The youngman had never heard those words spoken over him, and over time, I was able to minister to him and show him the love of God. When people get to see that side of God, they’re drawn in because of His kindness and truth. God’s word comes through me authentically and, glory to God, it draws people back to Him and creates an interest in them. They want to know more. Being His vessel has been the most fulfilling and heartwarming experience of my entire life. My personal attitude over the past 7 ½ months has been incredible. The more I step out and put everything into His hands the more He shows up and makes it work out for good. The class has really been something that’s allowed me to take that step out and have a new perspective in the Word of God. If not for this class, I wouldn’t have learned these biblical truths. My spiritual and individual growth has been astounding; it’s truly amazing to me.

Avatar for James Breig
James Breig
April 14, 2019

I knew when I first came on the Dynamic Prayer Network a couple of years ago, I didn’t necessarily know my gifts, but it has helped me tap into them. I realized then that I was a seer; I did have visions and dreams. I would say that the structure and teaching of this class has helped me acknowledge that I have visions, but I didn’t really understand them. Now I am beginning to understand the visions and receive impressions of confirmation from the Lord. I have since realized that I possess more gifts too. I hear from Him in more ways than just pictures and images, and it’s reassuring when those people who are working towards the same goal are getting that confirmation as well. One of my favorite activities that we’ve done in the class is when we all had to give a word or give what God has placed on our hearts and then work out how they all fall into alignment with each other. It’s neat to see how everything is confirmed and works together. All of this has taught me to just let go and let God. If someone’s going to receive the word, then they’re going to receive it. If they don’t, it’s not for me to worry about.

Avatar for Courtney Graves
Courtney Graves
April 14, 2019

This past saturday I was at a praise dance conference, and there was a woman that makes flags. As she was talking, she was telling us that we need to read the Word to learn why we do certain things. When I heard the word “knowledge,” I also heard the word “authority.” When you know what you’re doing in the spirit and are aware of it, you have authority. This class has helped make me aware of his voice. It has taught me to be aware of what I’m doing in the spirit, so I’m not walking around aimlessly. I can discern and know His voice because I am one of His sheep, and He is my shepherd. I don’t have to doubt that I’m hearing his voice. Also, since beginning this class, I am now seeing visions too, and they’re becoming more frequent.


Avatar for Sharon Miott
Sharon Miott

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